Q: What is the primary issue facing the county that led you to run for office?
A: Pender County is changing fast, so my top priority is protecting the things that make living here special. Protect our streets from crime. Protect our pocketbooks from high taxes. Protect our neighborhoods and schools from overcrowding. Our County is at a crossroads, and we need conservative leaders who appreciate our past while shaping our future. I am just an ordinary citizen who wants my children to grow up in a Pender County that they will cherish as much as I do.
Q: Would you support the purchase of county beach land to allow Pender County residents the opportunity to enjoy the beach without having to pay for parking. If not, would you work with local beach communities in Pender County to obtain a reduced rate for parking for Pender County residents?
A: If we're being honest, filling the meter takes some of the fun out of arriving at the beach. Beautiful beaches are one of the best things about Pender County, and sometimes it is more important to protect something special rather than make a few extra bucks. I am open to considering any option that keeps parking free or affordable for our residents, whether that is allowing free parking on public lots or incentivizing private owners to limit parking rates.
Q: What are your skills and experiences that make you the right choice for Pender County voters?
A: In the last two years, I have helped our Board of Education achieve major conservative victories, from protecting students from inappropriate and indoctrinating materials to rewarding good teachers with better pay. I have also had hard-working jobs my whole life and served in the military. I am proud of my accomplishments, but I believe that character is more important than a resume. Voters should know that everything I do is motivated by my faith, family, and conservative values. You can always count on me to choose principles over politics.
Q: If elected, would you attend local town meetings that are within Pender County to hear their concerns and to show the support of the Pender County Board of Commissioners?
A: Absolutely. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I value being accessible to constituents. That won't change when I am County Commissioner. The County Commission is not a one-stop shop for government in Pender County but a partner with municipalities. Countywide decisions have to work for Topsail and Surf City as much as they do for Burgaw and Rocky Point. I will strive to maintain strong relationships with all towns and their elected officials and offer a warm welcome when they attend our meetings.
Q: If elected, what would you do to address the major concerns of the safety of travelers on Highway 17 in the Hampstead area? Would you consider a moratorium on construction until the bypass was completed?
A: This is a great example of growth outpacing our infrastructure. Our traffic planning has been years behind, and we are dealing with the consequences now. We have to be very careful when considering a full-stop moratorium because that can have far-reaching effects on businesses, jobs, and the local economy. What I can promise is that I will pressure NCDOT and our leaders in Raleigh to send us adequate funding so that we aren't always playing catch-up with infrastructure. I refuse to let Pender County get the short end of the stick compared to other counties in Southeastern NC.