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Coastal Common Sense

Writer: Kim McGaheyKim McGahey

Dragnet was a black and white TV show from the 60's that starred a detective character named Joe Friday and his famous dead pan tagline was, "Just the facts ma'am." Here are just a few facts from the OBiden regime that is running our government.

1. The Democrat one-way open border policy has allowed tens of millions of unvetted illegal immigrants to cross our southern border. With nobody checking credentials at the border, who knows what international malcontents have been streaming into Texas and Arizona and then distributed without our knowledge to all 50 states.

Allowing illegal migrants to get drivers license's and then register to vote is the precise objective of the OBiden border rush in order to get more votes. Biden cares nothing about we the people - he only cares about retaining political power and increasing his family's personal wealth.

2. Cities run by Democrats have become cesspools of homelessness with indigents defecating in the streets while criminals run wild facing no consequences for their law breaking. Soros funded Democrat prosecutors put these grab and go shoplifters and dangerous drug dealers back on the streets in a few days with no bail and no court cases.

Serial criminal offenders like George Floyd ravage urban communities with impunity killing their neighbors not fearing any law enforcement reprisal. Law abiding citizens are afraid to leave their homes. Meanwhile, illegal migrants are given open ended social services and nice accommodations in the Roosevelt Hotel at taxpayer expense.

3. The Democrats want abortion on demand up until birth under the misnomer of reproductive health care rights. This used to be called murder. They seem to think that there is no value to a human life that God started at conception. They want to shut down groups like that show teenage mothers with unwanted pregnancies ultrasound images of the human life growing inside those mothers causing many to cancel their abortion plans. Tragically, abortion has become normalized by the Left as a simple, casual normal form of birth control.

4. The gender mutilation of children in schools by transweird activists without parental consent is the Left's latest voyage into degeneracy. They advocate drag queen story hours in elementary school libraries as the gateway drug to ruining adolescents' lives with the Satanic indoctrination of the transgender ideology.

Common sense tells us that a 12 year old kid needs biblical parental supervision to navigate the day to day obstacles of normal life - much less sexual confusion orchestrated by perverse adults. Legalized pedophilia is likely their next objective.

5. The corrupt Department of Justice under OBiden's direction is acting like a third world dictatorship trying to imprison their main political opponent with bogus lawfare indictments in four different jurisdictions. None of the kangaroo court cases have legal merit, but that hasn't stopped the four Democrat District Attorneys from forging ahead in the court of public opinion.

6. The roster of weirdos and perverts manning the OBiden fort is a frightening list to behold. The Secretary of the Army just admitted not being truthful about the National Guard request from Trump prior to January 6. The Secretary of the Navy is a man dressed as a woman. The Secretary of Defense went AWOL without informing his boss.

The Attorney General controls the palace guard and all their sordid encroachments into the private lives of American citizens. Soldiers on the front lines are embarrassed by their Commander in Chief who has become an international laughing stock bringing us to the brink of World War 3. And their complicit liberal media continues to provide propaganda cover for les incompetents.

Joe Friday had Joe Biden in mind when he cautioned against snake oil salesmen who look you in the eye, give you a big toothy chicklet grin and tell you anything you want to hear just to get your vote. Just the facts ma'am!

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