Pender County Veterans Affairs is partnering with The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) to show The Veteran’s Battlefield, the newest documentary from NCACC’s 100 Strong Productions. The screening and panel discussion will take place on January 17, 2024, at the Hampstead Annex Auditorium, 15060 US Hwy 17
Hampstead, NC 28443, from 5:30 pm to 8:00pm.
The Veteran’s Battlefield is a documentary that explores veterans' challenges in North Carolina and how counties and residents can best support our veteran population. North Carolina is home to around 700,000 veterans and has the eighth-largest veteran population in the nation.
Veterans face a wide range of challenges that can seem overwhelming. The Veteran’s Battlefield highlights these challenges and how county Veteran Service Officers and community leaders are working to support them.
Pender County Veterans Services informs, advises, and assists Pender County veterans, their dependents, or survivors in obtaining benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs, state, or local municipalities. Pender County is home to more than 5,400 veterans.
The documentary showing is free and open to the public.
Following the documentary, Pender County Veterans Services, local stakeholders, and non-profit organizations who will be at the event will distribute information and host community discussions surrounding veteran services and support.
For More Information: Visit the website Veteran's Battlefield ( for more information.